Filali Elearning Center
The Knowledge at the End of the Click
Learning Platform for Programming Languages and Web Development
"Disseminating knowledge, passing it on to my students, watching them succeed, is the main goal that drives me every day."
Pr Filali Reda
Annoucement :
Pr Filali Reda
Start of the Node.js - Back-end Development training.
Wednesday 13 November
It is essential to follow the course sequence
Front-end Development
Front-end development refers to the creation of the visual part of a web or mobile application with which users will interact. In this section, we will look at three technologies often used in front-end development:
1 - HTML (HyperText Markup Language): a markup language used to organise a web page. HTML is used to create the page structure, links, text and images that make up a page.
2 - CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): This language is used to add style to HTML pages. CSS modifies the elements of a web page to make it more visually appealing.
3 - JavaScript (JS): programming language that makes HTML pages dynamic. It allows you to create intelligence on a web page and modify its behaviour. JS is one of the most popular languages and can be used to develop a wide range of projects.
Finally, we're going to finish this section with introduction to Jquery. This javascript library simplifies several aspects of front-end development.